As Christians, our whole lives are lived as worship to God. On Sunday, though, something special happens. We gather as a community to encounter God. In our worship, God speaks to us, and we respond to him.
The use of scripture is central to our worship, and we draw on the Psalms extensively – particularly in our songs, prayers, and readings. We are a church committed in our worship to communicating the gospel of Jesus Christ, and we do so in all the richness of its historic and contemporary forms as expressed by the church of all ages and all places.

Encountering God
We encounter God as we sing, as we pray, as we listen, as we offer our gifts, and as we celebrate the sacraments. There are quiet moments in our worship and there are also exuberant ones. There are parts of worship in which we express great joy, while in other parts we express profound sadness. We involve children, youth, and adults in a variety of ways in our worship services, and we strive to make our services meaningful for all ages. Most of all, though, we strive to make our worship honoring to God.