Our Beliefs
What we believe matters. And the reason it matters to us is that it matters to God.
Getting it right matters to him because it shapes how we think, act, and speak. It shapes how we worship and how we pray. It shapes how we raise our children and how we interact with our friends. It shapes how we work and how we play. In short, it shapes how we respond to God’s call to be his people.
This is the core of what we believe. We believe that God in his love sent Jesus Christ into this world to die for our sins, and that through faith in him we might have eternal life.
Our Beliefs
We along with Christians from many places and many centuries have adopted these creeds (Apostles Creed [link],Nicene Creed [link], Athanasian Creed [link]) as useful summaries of our beliefs.
As a church in the Reformed tradition arising out of the Protestant Reformation in 16th-century Europe, we affirm what is summarized in three historic Reformed confessions: The Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dordt.
Furthermore we affirm:
- Christ alone is our mediator and savior.
- Through Faith alone we have been justified before God.
- By God's Grace alone we have been given the gift of salvation.
- In Scripture alone we find the inerrant source of God's written revelation.
- To God alone be the glory for our salvation.