Experience Student Ministries.
Sunday Worship
We respond to God’s call to worship him by gathering with the whole congregation on Sundays for communal worship. As youth (like any other age group at the church) we are not simply observers – we are participants! We are readers, instrumentalists, singers. Some of the songs we sing are of our generation, and some existed long before us. Some of the language used in our worship seems old and different; most, though, seems like language that we might use ourselves. Our worship reflects who we are – a diverse, multi-generational body of Christ.

Education Programs
We respond to God’s call to know him through educational programs offered especially for us. In the Senior High Sunday School program we study both the old and the new for the purpose of growing in our faith. We study historic documents (e.g. Heidelberg Catechism) of the church that have helped God’s people for hundreds of years know him better, and we also use contemporary sources for the same purpose. In the Middle School Sunday School program we have special curriculum designed for us – Bible studies written and presented with middle school kids in mind. It’s interactive, it’s relevant, and it helps us grow in our faith.

Service Projects
We respond to God’s call to love our neighbor by engaging in service projects that benefit those who are in need of assistance. During the school year these are usually one-day events, but in the summer we have had the opportunity to travel both near and far for extended periods of time with other members of the congregation in order live out our faith and help those in need.

Senior High Youth Group (9th Grade - 12th Grade)
We respond to God’s call to grow in fellowship with him and with those around us through our Senior High Youth Group. We meet most Sunday nights during the school year, and we have various outings throughout the year from service projects to whirlyball. The meetings are attended by a wide variety of kids from many high schools, and we always have a good time getting to know each other and getting to know God.

Middle School Youth Group (6th grade – 8th grade)
We respond to God’s call to grow in fellowship with him and with those around us through our Middle School Youth Group. We meet twice a month for discussion, games and fun outings. The meetings are attended by a wide variety of kids from a wide variety of middle schools, and we always have a good time getting to know each other and getting to know God.

GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting Their Savior)
We respond to God’s call to be the type of girls he wants us to be through our GEMS program. We’re girls in 4th grade through 8th grade who meet the second and fourth Wednesday evening of the month at the church for a great time involving devotions, snacks, lessons, crafts, and a lot of fun. Women of the church serve as leaders of the different age groups, and they always make it a great experience for us.

We respond to God’s call to be the type of boys he wants us to be through our Cadets program. We’re boys in 4th through 8th grade who meet every other Tuesday evening at the church for a great time involving devotions, snacks, and lessons in skills or a project (e.g. rocketry, archery, etc.). Men of the church serve as our leaders, and they always make it a great experience for us.

We respond to God’s call to worship him with the sound of music by participating in various ways in the music of the church. As youth we find music an especially meaningful way to get involved in worship services. Like everyone else, we are part of the congregational singing, but we also get involved by singing and playing instruments, both as soloists and as parts of ensembles.