Experience Adult Ministries.
Worship Ministry
We respond to God’s call to worship him by gathering on Sundays for a time of communal worship. It’s a bit like a weekly family reunion – except much better! We don’t just celebrate “togetherness;" we celebrate the reason for our togetherness – the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the life he gives us.
Our liturgy involves the participation of everyone gathered, but we participate in different ways. Some read scripture; others play musical instruments. There are those who lead prayers; others who sing in the choir. Some members prepare a message especially for the children; others help collect the weekly offerings. Most everyone participates in the prayers, songs, and readings as they are able, but some people come just to listen and find out more. Our hope is that each person encounters God in our worship service.

Music Ministry
We respond to God’s call to worship him through our music. Each week our congregation sings parts of the liturgy, songs from the church of all times and many places. Using Psalms and ancient texts, 21st century hymns, worship songs, and music written by our own members, we respond to God's revelation throughout history and throughout his world. In all our music we seek to be God-honoring and scripturally faithful.
Our church choir attracts singers of all ages, multiple keyboardists who both lead and support music in worship, instrument ensembles that participate on a regular basis, as well as a bell choir that takes part in worship. As a church, we value highly the role music plays in worship, and we strive to do it well for God’s glory.

Growth Group Ministry
We respond to God’s call to grow in love for him and others by meeting in what we call "growth groups." In these 8-12 member groups, we do the work of cultivating our relationship with God and our relationships with those around us. We pray and study scripture, we share our joys and our concerns, we hold each other accountable for living out our faith, and we encourage each other. By the power of the Holy Spirit and through these growth groups, we try to become the people God wants us to be.

Education Ministry
We respond to God’s call to know him better by offering educational programs for all ages. Our adult education meets after the morning worship service, and these sessions feature speakers from local colleges and universities as well as materials presented by members of the church. We look at subjects like church history, theology, and contemporary ethical issues, and we also do studies on particular books of the Bible. Through these studies we increase our understanding of God and his will for our lives.

Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study
We respond to God’s call to grow in fellowship with him and with our neighbors by hosting a community Bible study for women called “Coffee Break” which meets at the church every Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. Women of all ages who live in the area and who are from various Christian traditions meet for a time of Bible study, prayer, and fellowship with God and each other.

Compassion Ministry
We respond to God's call to show compassion to those in need by serving others. Groups from our church partner with a large variety of compassion-oriented organizations to provide food for the hungry, opportunities for the disadvantaged, and resources for the needy.

Prayer Ministry
We respond to God’s call to pray to him by assembling after morning worship to pray. There is a designated room set aside for those who are able to gather for this purpose, and there people pray prayers of praise, thanksgiving, confession, and petition. In special circumstances these meetings are held in the sanctuary to accommodate greater numbers.

Fellowship Ministry
We respond to God’s calls to know each other and to live in unity by organizing events that help build up relationships within in the church. We organize church picnics, mid-winter hot soup and chili, games night, and service projects at local ministries. We always seem to be able to find a good excuse for a Sunday lunch or a mid-week supper at church. Not all our events involve good food – but to be honest, most do!